A commitment to a Word-centered approach
We believe that God rules over all things. He is our authority and we will make the Word the center of our counsel.
A commitment to spiritual transformation
The desired end of counseling is for individuals to be participating in a local church, and growing in their knowledge, love, and service for Christ.
A commitment to accountability
We believe that disciples mature within the context of a local church. Therefore, we expect counselees to be held accountable by mature members and pastoral leadership from their local church.
Delta Biblical Counseling Center, a ministry of Inter-City Baptist Church, holds to ICBC’s statement of faith, and is under the authority of the congregation as overseen by ICBC’s pastors.
Delta Biblical Counseling Center, a ministry of Inter-City Baptist Church, holds to ICBC’s statement of faith, and is under the authority of the congregation as overseen by ICBC’s pastors.
A commitment to confidentiality
We believe that counselees have the right to confidentiality with some exceptions: (1) a counselee indicates intention to harm himself or herself or someone else; (2) a counselee has committed sexual or physical abuse; (3) a counselee has engaged in repeated, outward, and serious sin (e.g., immorality), that might require the involvement of one’s church; (4) the counselee is a minor and the counselor determines it is in the best interest of the child to disclose information to the parent(s) or guardian(s); (5) a counselor needs the help of the counseling center director or the pastors of his or her church; (6) a court of law requires the release of information given in sessions; or (7) any session which involves a third party who is not a representative of DBCC.